Introducing a new sustainability reporting service
from Read the Air

ESG Assessment & Reporting
Sustainability Frameworks and Reporting Alignment Services
Organizations are struggling with both understanding ESG commitments and expectations, as well as knowing how to respond to new demands for action on ESG-aligned business strategies and investing practices. Read the Air supports listed Japanese Companies and Financial Services firms to report in compliance with new Japan Financial Service Agency disclosure regulations and to properly align themselves with these rapidly changing reporting frameworks, conventions and policies.

Standard Disclosure
Sustainability Baseline Definition and Disclosure Report Mapping
Japan FSA-Compliant Sustainability Disclosure Reporting
Starting April 1, 2023, all listed Japanese companies suddenly will face the requirement for compliance with reporting according to international ESG frameworks. The Japan Financial Service Agency (FSA) has outlined these new regulations in its November 2022 announcement of revisions.
These new FSA Corporate Sustainability Disclosures are part of a revision to the Cabinet Office Ordinance on Disclosure of Corporate Information and include reporting on:​
Corporate Sustainability Indicators, Targets and Initiatives
Human Capital and Diversity
Corporate Governance and Risk Management
Read the Air is well placed to work with clients on FSA-compliant reporting in both English and Japanese and in providing ongoing Assessment and Reporting services.
We work with you to identify the current status of your organization and how it may already satisfy the new Japan FSA requirements with our Organizational Sustainability Baseline Definition and Disclosure Report Mapping service.
From this baseline, we are able to identify the data and qualitative information that is required to properly disclose your sustainability actions and initiatives with the RtA Japan FSA-Compliant Sustainability Disclosure Reporting service.
After proceeding through the initial reporting for the new Japan FSA Corporate Sustainability Disclosures, your organization will be better able to understand what it does well, and where it can improve it's reporting. Read the Air can help you further to harness this knowledge and data to improve your actual sustainability initiatives and strategy with the Future Sustainability Paths services, a complementary set of Assessment Service Offerings (see next).
Sustainability Paths
Sustainability Diagnostic
Japan FSA and ISSB Sustainability Disclosure Alignment
Future Paths to Sustainability Excellence
Read the Air can assess your current performance and areas for improvement within your ESG and sustainability initiatives and identify your areas of greatest exposure with its proprietary Sustainability Gap Diagnostic. Read the Air collaborates with your organization improve your reporting and disclosure and compliance within the following frameworks, with our Japan FSA and ISSB Sustainability Disclosure Alignment service, leading to higher business performance and improved relations with the standard setting bodies, investment associations and sustainability index providers. The Disclosure Alignment process can further be applied to any of the following frameworks, standards or conventions:
ISSB and SSBJ: International Sustainability Standards Board and the Sustainability Standard Board of Japan
Evolving Japanese sustainability and ESG disclosure policies
Japan FSA Disclosure of Corporate Sustainability Initiatives (latest revisions to the Cabinet Office Ordinance on Disclosure of Corporate Information)
Japan's Corporate Governance Code
Japan's Stewardship Code
TCFD: Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosure
FTSE Blossom Index
PRI: Principles for Responsible Investment
EU Sustainability Conventions
CSRD: Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
Taxonomy on Sustainable Activities
EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)
SFDR: Sustainable Financial Disclosures Regulation
Equator Principals
US Inflation Reduction Act​
Our Future Sustainability Paths service will provide a rigorous, independent expert view on the performance of your current ESG strategy, what you can do to make it even better, and how you can align it more closely with the sustainability frameworks, policies and conventions that are most material to your operations.
The ESG A&R Team
Read the Air's Trista Bridges and Donald Eubank are working with Yuchi Yoshimi and Frank Packard to offer ESG A&R Services